Группы и магазины

Series cards
Tea exchange
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Откуда Russian Federation / Moskva / Dubna

Рейтинг: 4


Открытки 0 0
Сувениры 2 0
Посылки в группах 0 0

Персональная информация

Настоящее имя Tatiana
Пол Жен

Обо мне

Hello! Have a good day!
I'm very glad you caught my address!
My name is Tatiana. I'm 30. I am married and have two children, a son 8 years and a daughter 2 years. My mom is already senior and lives with us so I could help her in everything. I absolutely love my family.

I am postkrosser. Most interesting to me are postcards about dragons, dragons, and again dragons, and monsters and unreal creatures (fantastic, tale, legend, myth, in architecture. I prefer blank unsigned postcards. I also a big fan of Michael Jackson. He's the best!

My husband very much gamer. And we have many different consoles (including PS) and PC at home.

My son study the piano and likes different super heroes! Batman, Ninja Turtles, Superman, Hulk and other other other .... And also a comics.

My daughter loves to draw and read books with colorful pictures! It is still too small and not yet decided who will become when he grows up =)

My mom keeps the home aquarium fish and room flowers and plants.

Предпочтения по обмену

I'll be very happy to get card for my collection (no ad-cards and hand-made? please). And small gifts for my family from their hobbies. Can be toys, sweets, pens, pencils, magnets, coloring books, souvenirs from exhibitionsof video games, useful home little things and the same. Especially for children, because they love to receive presents!

Thank you all!
Regards, Tatiana

мой адрес на русском языке:
Строителей, 10-39
Дубна, Московская область



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