Groups & Shops

Stop the War in Ukraine
December Birthday Cards (Folded Birthday Cards)
Обмен сувенирными колокольчиками

Pays actifs


D'où Russian Federation / Nizhegorod / Nijnii Novgorod

Cote: 8


Cartes 2 2
Souvenirs 0 0
Envois dans les groupes 0 0

Information personnelle

Vrai nom Ksenia Rodionova
Sexe Fém.
Date de naissance 22 nov. 1997


Medical university

Sur moi

My interests include such activities as needlework, snowboarding and figure skating, photography and travel. I really like historical castles and I like to read their stories, I like art, but I'm not good at it. I have a dog that I took from a shelter a couple of years ago, and I really like to travel with my dog and my husband by car.I like to cook and eat delicious food, I like to climb mountains and look at the city or the sea from a height. I don't like to discuss politics and personal views on public issues.
