Groups & Shops

In search of "Greetings from..." / В поисках "Greetings from..." и серии городов издательства "Тень Кошки"
Postcards sent between us - low number of persons, but active :)
Word Cloud

Pays actifs


D'où Russian Federation / Moscow City / Zapadnyy

Cote: 110


Cartes 14 10
Souvenirs 8 6
Envois dans les groupes 5 12

Information personnelle

Vrai nom Olga
Sexe Fém.
Date de naissance 12 juin 1990

Préférences en échange

Hi! I’m Olga.
I’d love to take any postcards u want to share, maybe a photo of the street u live..
Now I care about BTS and SailorMoon

I’ll try to send u back smth u are waiting for.
As a souvenir I’d like to have an old (not relict) money or coins. I’ve got already from 11 countries ! And if possible to send me a little book your language 😍
Also, I collect pens. Now I have about a 1000 different pen of plactik, wood, metal..different. I would be really happy to get one from u, but unusual...original, it can be as from souvenir shop of your city, so from any conference you’ve visited .. up to your fantasy, but, please, write me where this pen from.

Thanks for your time
Have a wonderful day!

Я Ольга ,
Я полюбила корейские группы, особенно BTS и неизменна к SailorMoon
Ожидаю от вас любую открытку и сувенир.

Доброго времени суток, читающему этот текст!

Почему-то адрес не дает корректный указать

142003, Россия, Московская область, город Домодедово, мкр Западный, ул Лунная, 33-131

My correct address:

142003, Russia Moscow region
Lunnaya 33-131
