Groups & Shops

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Secret Santa

Pays actifs


D'où Russian Federation / Tula / Tula

Cote: 2


Cartes 0 0
Souvenirs 0 0
Envois dans les groupes 0 0

Information personnelle

Vrai nom Милана
Sexe Fém.
Date de naissance 18 juin 1996


профессиональное, художник, стилист.

Sur moi

I love to draw, send me paints, pencils, notebooks, deems cute! Send your drawings, and I draw something for You and send interesting things!
I love football and music. Anything football (even men's shirts) and subjects musical groups: Defones, Kasabian, Cristal Castles, System of a down ......)))
I'm crazy about comics DC. I'm a fan of the Joker, Harley Quinn, Batman and Catwoman!!!!!!

Préférences en échange

сладости, игрушки, сувениры, чай, наклейки, хенд-мейд, рисунки своими руками, фотографии, косметика. ))))
sweets, toys, Souvenirs, tea, stickers, hand-made drawings with his own hands, photography, cosmetics ))))
I love to draw, send me paints, pencils, notebooks, deems cute! Send your drawings, and I draw something for You and send interesting things!

Personal Photos

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