Groups & Shops

In search of "Greetings from..." / В поисках "Greetings from..." и серии городов издательства "Тень Кошки"
Переливающиеся, голографические, стерео, 3Д и объёмные открытки. 3D Lenticular (flip-flop,stereo,holographic ) postcards.
Travelling around the world

Aktive Länder


Woher Russian Federation / Komi / Ukhta

Bewertung: 866


Postkarten 60 52
Souvenirs 0 0
Sendungen in Gruppen 70 100

Persönliche Daten

Wirklicher Name Анна
Geschlecht Frau
Geburtsdatum 13.07.1984


высшее техническое


Hi! My name is Anna, I have a beloved husband, son and cat Catberry. I'm an engineer, love summer, the sea,cats, read paper books and listen to music (mostly indie and alternative), postcrossing. Together with my husband, we collect stamps and like to drink unusual tea or coffee.

I really like postcards on the themes:
* lighthouses,
* cardmaximums,
* street lights,
* Halloween (all times),
* space,
* cats,
* cocktails,
* recipes,
* schemes for cross-stitch,
* Norwegian trolls,
* Inge Look (❤️)
* reproductions Leonid Afremov and Ivan Aivazovsky,
* flowers,
* coffee and sweets,
* anime (Kimetsu no Yaiba "Истребитель демонов",Tokyo Ghoul "Токийский Гуль", Хаяо Миядзаки, Макото Синкай и т.п) ,
* серия "Города России",
* Harry Potter, Legolas, Thranduil from Tolkien's world,
* witches, fairies (особенно Екатерины Бабок <3),
* New Year (any time of the year),
* pin-up,
* Moomin,
* bike,
* steampunk,
* открытки со встреч поскроссеров (особенно хэллоуинские коты <3)

Stamps, envelope, magnets, stickers, scotch tape, herbarium, cardmaximums, tea, coffee bags, sweets, perfume and cosmetics testers are welcome.

Please refrain from sending banknotes and coins

I am looking forward to your surprise envelope <3
