Groups & Shops

I Love Canada! (Souvenirs)
Тег "Книжный".
Let's complete each other's collections

Aktive Länder


Woher Russian Federation / Sverdlovsk / Ekaterinburg

Bewertung: 6


Postkarten 2 1
Souvenirs 0 0
Sendungen in Gruppen 0 0

Persönliche Daten

Wirklicher Name Tatiana
Geschlecht Frau
Geburtsdatum 24.11.1964

Über mich

Hello all! I am Tatiana, I live in the beautiful city of Yekaterinburg, the capital of the Urals in Russia.
I am very versatile and creative person. I love to create things hand-made, to travel and to discover new countries, cities, people.


My wishes to the postcards:
- image pairs of men and women, love and relationships
- family happiness
- meerkats (really love them!!!)
- beautiful views and sights
- the bright, positive postcards
- good humor postcards
With wishes of good, Tatiana.



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