
TROC, échange PARFUM
black-white postcards / чёрно-белые открытки
Открытка + почтовые марки.



从哪里 Russian Federation / Moscow City / Moscow

等级: 84


明信片 17 10
纪念品 0 0
包裹组 0 0


真实名字 Maria
性别 女性
出生日期 Oct 28, 1996


Hello everyone! My name is Maria and i study Italian language at university. I really like postcrossing and figure skating, so I'd like to share my thoughts, ideas with you. ^^

I would like any card you sent to surprise me! But I wiil be even more happy if you'll send me something like this:

+ Yuko Higuchi art ❤️
+ Gotochi/shaped cards
+ Nouvelle postcards
+ 3D stereo cards
+ Cute and cozy illustrations
+ Space/moon
+ Anime
+ Japan views
+ Birds and ornaments with animals
+ Iceland and views with aurora
+ Maximum cards
+ Deep Ocean and sea animals
+ Harry potter cards ❤️
+ А. Спешилова, города от картинки 24
Please don't forget to write down "inpostage" on the postcard, so I'll be able register it! ^^
