Groups & Shops

Обмен открытками из Казани

Top countries


From Russian Federation / Kaliningrad / Kaliningrad

Rating: 6


Postcards 1 2
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Карина
Sex Female


My name is Karina, I am 16 years old. I live in the western region of Russia - in Kaliningrad region.

My hobbies:cross embroidery, needlework, poetry, painting, photography, theater, old movies, making genealogy, playing piano, guitar, reading books, music, art, travel, new discoveries and more

Exchange Preferences

I will be glad to receive any cards, but especially:
- Soviet postcards (USSR)
- Old cards
- Reproductions
- City, country, Attractions
- Retro, vintage
- Works of art
- Ethnic
- Celebrity
- Gustav Klimt

I'd like to receive postcards with some text that will be very pleased to read!

If it is difficult to come up with the text on the card, write something about yourself, a poem, a quote from the book, some interesting fact about your city. Or just wish me a good day! =)

You can send me any souvenir.
Oh, I collect wall plates from different countries and cities.
