Groups & Shops

I love the world

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From Russian Federation / Moscow City / Moscow

Rating: 100


Postcards 28 22
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Olga
Sex Female
Date Of Birth 5 nov 1994




I like reading, I like science fiction. Favorite the authors are: Stephen King, Herbert Wales, Tolkien. But I'm sure I will never give up the classics :)
Recently started to practice ballet, it's incredibly difficult, but so interesting!
I like dogs very much, and turtles have wedged into my soul, so much that now one flaunts in the form of a tattoo on my arm.
I love cartoons: Disney, Anime - it does not matter!

Exchange Preferences

I love books, I read a lot, Stephen King is one of my favorite authors. I will give up a postcard with coffee, books and dogs. Recently started to practice ballet, so this postcard is also interesting. If there are any fantastic landscapes or even characters, then, with pleasure, I will add them to my post box :)
I will be very happy with the cards with turtles and dream catchers!
If there is nothing like I will be sincerely glad to postcards with any image, the main thing is that it is for you not just a picture, but some sense, because when something is done with the soul, it is several times more pleasant :)
